Inflation And Retirement: What You Need To Know
By Bob Sullivan, Contributor & Benjamin Curry Editor for Forbes Advisor.
Published in Forbes Advisor on March 28, 2022
Rising inflation has spooked the stock market and investors throughout the U.S. The historic spike in inflation could be reversed gradually, but it could also remain for the longer term. Retirees living on fixed incomes are worried that rising prices could upset their well-laid retirement plans.
According to a recent survey by Global Atlantic Financial Group, 61% of retirement-age investors believe that low interest rates and rising inflation will make it harder to create an income stream that will last their lifetimes. Here’s what you need to know about the impact of rising inflation on your retirement.
It’s not hard to tell a scary story about inflation and retirement. Take a person with $1 million saved for retirement who expects to spend $50,000 annually. Assuming 3% annual inflation and a steady 3% rate of return, that $1 million would last for 20 years. But if inflation rose to 12% a year, $1 million would run out in 11 years and nine months—and that’s a good reason to be alarmed.
Even in normal times, anyone who’s planning for retirement or is already retired worries about running out of money. The potential for rising prices only adds to that baseline of anxiety. Even for people with the best-laid plans, inflation is an uncontrollable X-factor that complicates retirement planning. Inflation, quite simply, is the enemy of a fixed income.
But we’re not living in normal times. Investors are watching the Covid-19 stimulus spending stack up, and they’re wondering when the bill comes due—many fear that the bill might take the form of higher inflation, eating away at the value of those Social Security checks, pension payments and 401(k) savings.
So how should you plan for the unexpected impact of Uncle Sam’s 2020-21 largesse? There are some techniques to hedge against inflation, but first, some perspective is needed.
Don’t Let Past Inflation Cloud Your Vision
If you are 65 today, that means you were 25 when average annual inflation in the U.S. reached 14%. Just as many Depression-era children lived their lives scarred by that experience, always afraid a scarcity shock might be around the corner, people who came of age during the 1970s and 1980s live in fear of a return to double-digit inflation.
Don’t be, says Carolyn McClanahan, CFP, a medical doctor and retirement planning expert.
“Inflation is an issue but may not be as big an issue as people think,” she says. “The real reason you have inflation is not because there’s too much money. It’s because there’s too much money chasing too few goods.”
It will be years before the American economy recovers from the impact of Covid—there are still millions of fewer jobs than there were pre-pandemic, and the ranks of small businesses forced to close by Covid-19 keep growing. While Washington’s current economic policy might indeed cause inflation to rise, McClanahan says, the Federal Reserve has many tools at its disposal to cool an overheating economy should that arise.
“The policies that got us to those high inflation rates, they learned a lot from that,” she says. “It would be very difficult to get there again.”
Liz Weston, CFP, author of Deal with Your Debt, feels the same way. “The economy has sustained such damage, I just don’t think inflation will be out of control,” she says. “Just walk down the closest Main Street and see how many empty storefronts there are.”
In fact, both Weston and McClanahan warn that overcompensating for the perceived risk of inflation is probably a bigger risk than inflation itself. Some money managers even talk up inflation to convince clients into taking on inappropriate investments, McClanahan warns.
“The bigger issue to me is the ways people try to plan for inflation. The biggest mistake I see is people taking on too much risk because of inflation,” she says. Aggressive investing can’t fix an under-funded retirement and may leave you vulnerable to sharp decreases in actual dollar values if the market stumbles.
Don’t Panic About Inflation—But Don’t Ignore It, Either
The U.S. economy has a long history of relatively mild inflation, averaging around 3% annually. That’s a modest number, but you can’t ignore it. Even 3% over 25 years means the price of goods would roughly double during that span. More relevant to this conversation, the buying power of someone who retires on a fixed income at 65 would be cut in half by age 90.
And that’s only half the story. Plenty of observers, McClanahan among them, think Uncle Sam fudges the official inflation numbers a bit in an effort to keep down government expenses, like Social Security, that are tied to the inflation rate. That’s one reason price hikes might feel worse to you than the 1.4% CPI inflation rate published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last year.
But there’s even a most important factor to weighing the real-life impact of higher prices. The government’s CPI inflation rate is calculated from the prices of a generic basket of consumer goods. But your personal inflation rate is almost certainly different. To you, a 5% increase in the price of milk might matter a lot less than a 5% increase in property taxes levied by your town. And rising long-term health care costs might be an even bigger factor in your personal inflation rate.
Tie it all up, and while you shouldn’t overreact to threats of monster inflation, you can’t ignore real life inflation rate, either. So what do you do?
Keep a Steady Hand and Save Where You Can
If you are really worried about running out of money, don’t overcompensate. Don’t imagine you can beat high inflation by betting on risky real estate or flashy new tech industries. You’re more likely to lose what you have than beat steady returns from traditional investment vehicles.
McClanahan points out that “with inflation, you also get a rise in interest rates to compensate.” That will benefit people who have cash on hand. In that kind of environment, traditional retirement planning tools like laddering certificates of deposit (CDs), which mature and roll over on a staggered basis, will act as a solid hedge. That’s because interest rates on CDs, savings accounts and money market funds roughly track inflation. Consumer savings interest rates are abysmal now, but ’70s kids remember 15% rates from that time, when inflation was running high. That should provide some comfort.
Invest Beyond You Savings Account
Still, it’s unlikely savings interest rates will exceed inflation, so even well-placed cash will erode in value. Savers must take on some risk. Many retirees don’t realize that at age 65, they still need to invest money for the next 20 or 30 years. That means keeping money in the stock market, says Weston.
“Stocks over time do a better job of outpacing inflation,” she says. The 100-year track record for inflation pegs it at about 3% while the S&P 500 earns about 7% each year, accounting for inflation. Those numbers should provide comfort to the inflation worrier. “You are going to remain an investor throughout your retirement. That money is your longevity insurance,” Weston says.
Be Flexible to Cope with Inflation
The way people spend money during retirement changes, says McClanahan. They might spend more on travel in their late 60s, but less as years go by. Inflation might impact some areas of spending more than others, and retirees willing to be flexible can adjust on the fly. Moving to an area with cheaper real estate taxes might help, for example. So could driving less if gasoline prices spike.
Let Social Security Help
People love to knock it, but Social Security is still a major part of most Americans’ retirement—about half of retirees rely on Social Security for more than 50% of their retirement income. It comes with a built-in cost of living increase based on the published inflation rate, and despite much being written about the potential drying up of the Social Security trust fund, it’s still estimated to provide at least 70% of expected benefits if or when it runs out of cash—and that’s without any legislative changes. All of that helps.
Get Rid of Debt
For many investors, real estate tax inflation is their biggest concern. Instead, it should be debt load. A record number of older Americans still have mortgages, credit card debt and even student loans. This debt will be an anchor as inflation rises. And if it’s adjustable rate debt—say a mortgage that isn’t at a fixed rate—any inflation could be a real disaster. That’s why paying off debt should be top priority for anyone worried about late-in-life inflation.
Keep Working in Retirement
What’s the best way to preserve your capital? Keep earning. Every dollar you earn in retirement is a dollar you don’t have to withdraw. That’s why your biggest hedge against inflation is your human capital, McClanahan notes.
That doesn’t mean you have to keep the 9-to-5 that you might have been hoping to quit soon. Ratchet down to part time, or consult for a new firm. McClanahan actually encourages clients to find entirely new industries for this second act. The new experiences will help keep you young. And every dollar earned is…a dollar that’s still in your retirement fund.
Bob Sullivan | Contributor
Bob Sullivan is a Peabody-award winning journalist and the author of five books, including New York Times Best-Sellers, Gotcha Capitalism and Stop Getting Ripped Off! He spent nearly two decades working at and NBC News, and he still appears on TODAY, NBC Nightly News, and CNBC. He now writes The Red Tape Chronicles column at and hosts a podcast about the unintended consequences of technology.
Benjamin Curry | Editor
Ben is the Retirement and Investing Editor for Forbes Advisor. With two decades of business and finance journalism experience, Ben has covered breaking market news, written on equity markets for Investopedia, and edited personal finance content for Bankrate and LendingTree.